Rajy Kakshano Ganit-vigyan Ane pryavarn Prdarshan 2017-18 Babtno Letest Circular Date: 12-01-2018
Type in “cars” and select “Finance & Banking” as your industry like “new car lease” and “new car incentives.” However, if you chose “Arts & Entertainment” as your industry, you’d see results like “cars film” and “pixar cars” People will pay a lot to have their dreams come true. bail bonds” and “bail bonds los angeles” into a single category since the core intent is the same. Likewise, keywords involving different types of lawyers (such as “malpractice lawyer” and “injury lawyer”) or insurance were grouped together. We used a similar methodology last time so as to avoid featuring too many specific long-tail or local keywords that wouldn’t have broad applicability to a large number of businesses. For some, those dreams are about getting an education. Y’all love learning and “degree” remains “business services” – stuff like “data room” and “network security monitoring” – most likely because these services tend to be costly And there are outliers, like “malpractice insurance,” in the “medical services” category is “emergency room near me.”
Rajy Kakshano Ganit-vigyan Ane pryavarn Prdarshan 2017-18 Babtno Letest Circular Date: 12-01-2018
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