7th Pay Commission: New Salary Revision Structure From This Year
7th pay salary formula for all GOVERNMENT employeeWith no 8th Pay Commission, the question is how will the government revise the pay of central government employees? Justice A K Mathur who headed the 7th Pay
Commission said that the government must review the salary of central government employees every year looking into the data available based on price index.
The commission had recommended that the pay matrix may be reviewed periodically without waiting for the long period of ten years.
After the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission, it is decided to change the government's pay revision policy. The point is that the wage revision policy for the Central Government employees is ready to change all.
This would mean that the government will completely stop the pay commissions which have been implemented since the independence of the country.
New pay revision formula
With the 8th Pay Commission, the question is how will the government revise the salaries of the central government employees? Justice AK Mathur, who chaired the 7th Pay Commission, said that the government should review the salary of Central Government employees every year as the data available on the basis of price index should be considered. The Commission had recommended that the review of the salary matrix can be done without waiting for a long period of 10 years.
Aykroyd Formula
The salaries of the Central Government employees can be reviewed on the basis of the income tax formula which takes into account the cost of change.
7th Pay Commission: New Salary Revision Structure From This Year
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