11 Nov 2017

Big News:Shixko Ne Dhoran 12 Ma 50℅ Thi Ocha Hase To Fari Exam Apvi Padshe

Big News:Shixko Ne Dhoran 12 Ma 50℅ Thi Ocha Hase To Fari Exam Apvi Padshe

Many students start writing furiously after scanning the essay question. Do not do this! Instead, try the following:
Perform a "memory dump." Write down all the information you have had to memorize for the exam in note form.
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Read over all the questions on the exam. If you simply answer each question as you encounter it, you may give certain information or evidence to one question that is more suitable for another. Be sure to identify all parts of the question.
Formulate a thesis that answers the question. You can use the wording from the question. There is not time for an elaborate introduction, but be sure to introduce the topic, your argument, and how you will support your thesis (do this in your first paragraph).
Organize your supporting points. Before you proceed with the body of the essay, write an outline that summarizes your main supporting points. Check to make sure you are answering all parts of the question. Coherent organization is one of the most important characteristics of a good essay.

Anticipate test questions. Look at the question from the last exam. Did the question ask you to apply a theory to historical or contemporary events? Did you have to compare/contrast theories? Did you have to prove an argument? Imagine yourself in the role of the instructor--what did the instructor emphasize? What are the big ideas in the course?

Formulate a thesis that answers the question. You can use the wording from the question. There is not time for an elaborate introduction, but be sure to introduce the topic, your argument, and how you will support your thesis (do this in your first paragraph).
Organize your supporting points. Before you proceed with the body of the essay, write an outline that summarizes your main supporting points.

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Big News:Shixko Ne Dhoran 12 Ma 50℅ Thi Ocha Hase To Fari Exam Apvi Padshe
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