Take a look at the success of our TET-2 Exam Book
The details of the questions asked from our book are as follows.
Language TET 2 Paper: - Part- 1 ---> 37 questions
Part-2 ---> 55 questions
Total: - 92 questions
Social Science TET 2 Paper: - Part-1 ---> 37 questions
Part-2 ---> 68 questions
Total: - 105 questions
Math Science TET Paper 2: - Part-1 ---> 37 Questions
Part-2 ---> 57 questions
Total: - 94 questions
Full information about the test-1 examination: -
Top topics in the book: -
Section-1: - Child development and principles of education - 30 marks
800 questions about the very important issues related to child psychology and theories of education
Educational Psychology
Philosophy in Education
Educational Rules and Acts
Educational Institutions
Administrative structure of primary education
Educational Panchayats Committees in India
Child Development and Education Principles
Educational Plans
Logical accolades
Section: - 2 Gujarati language --- 30 marks
The contents of standard 1 to 5
Gujarati Literature
Gujarati grammar
Section: - 3 English Language - 30 marks
The contents of standard 4 to 5
All the issues of English grammar
Section: - 4 Mathematics --- 30 marks
The contents of standard 4 to 5
With all the issues, examples that might be asked in the basic math exams
Section: - 5 Environment, Social Science, Science-Technology, Current Affairs and General Knowledge- 30 marks
Book Price: - Rs. 350
: - Discount - Rs. 35
Online purchase price Rs. 315
Book of TET-1 can be booked through online payment from below link. Tue The book will be delivered from November 2.
Meetings of Gujarat candidates who are preparing for TET-1 Examination and becoming a future teacher for becoming teacher in class 1 to 5 in the coming primary schools, and Team Result of Team Knowledge Power and Team Knowledge Power.
Book of TET-1 can be booked through online payment from below link. Tue The book will be delivered from November 2.
Meetings, most of the students preparing from our book in the TET-2 exam have passed 150 out of 150 marks. And about 70% of all questions in TET-2 exams are asked directly or indirectly from our book.
Considering the demand by thousands of candidates by phone and message every day for the TAT exam, the full new version of 2017 is keeping you in front of the new syllabus. Meetings, our goal is always to help candidates who are profitable. Which we have proven by our website www.kjparmar.in and www.tethtatguru.org for years. And in the TET-2 examination, the fortunes of the candidates are also helpful to the candidates.
Keeping all these things in mind, you are publishing a complete book for a 150-page paper for the TET-1 examination. We are confident that this book will help you to achieve 100% success in the upcoming TET-1 exam and get a good mark.
Meetings, most of the students preparing from our book in the TET-2 exam have passed 150 out of 150 marks. And about 70% of all questions in TET-2 exams are asked directly or indirectly from our book.
Considering the demand by thousands of candidates by phone and message every day for the TAT exam, the full new version of 2017 is keeping you in front of the new syllabus. Meetings, our goal is always to help candidates who are profitable. Which we have proven by our website www.kjparmar.in and www.tethtatguru.org for years. And in the TET-2 examination, the fortunes of the candidates are also helpful to the candidates.
Keeping all these things in mind, you are publishing a complete book for a 150-page paper for the TET-1 examination. We are confident that this book will help you to achieve 100% success in the upcoming TET-1 exam and get a good mark.
Take a look at the success of our TET-2 Exam Book
The details of the questions asked from our book are as follows.
Language TET 2 Paper: - Part- 1 ---> 37 questions
Part-2 ---> 55 questions
Total: - 92 questions
Social Science TET 2 Paper: - Part-1 ---> 37 questions
Part-2 ---> 68 questions
Total: - 105 questions
Math Science TET Paper 2: - Part-1 ---> 37 Questions
Part-2 ---> 57 questions
Total: - 94 questions
Full information about the test-1 examination: -
Top topics in the book: -
Section-1: - Child development and principles of education - 30 marks
800 questions about the very important issues related to child psychology and theories of education
Educational Psychology
Philosophy in Education
Educational Rules and Acts
Educational Institutions
Administrative structure of primary education
Educational Panchayats Committees in India
Child Development and Education Principles
Educational Plans
Logical accolades
Section: - 2 Gujarati language --- 30 marks
The contents of standard 1 to 5
Gujarati Literature
Gujarati grammar
Section: - 3 English Language - 30 marks
The contents of standard 4 to 5
All the issues of English grammar
Section: - 4 Mathematics --- 30 marks
The contents of standard 4 to 5
With all the issues, examples that might be asked in the basic math exams
Section: - 5 Environment, Social Science, Science-Technology, Current Affairs and General Knowledge- 30 marks
- Environment standard Contents of 1 to 5
- Current Trends, January to October 2017
- Gujarat General Knowledge
- India General Knowledge
- General science
- Religion
- Reward
- Game Worlds online
- Geography
Book Price: - Rs. 350
: - Discount - Rs. 35
Online purchase price Rs. 315
Book of TET-1 can be booked through online payment from below link. Tue The book will be delivered from November 2.