Gujarat Quiz 2280 MCQ PDF publish by Government of Gujarat.
Total 2280 MCQ
Governing bodies of public services have multiple accountabilities: to the public (citizens) and to those who have the authority, and responsibility, to hold them to account on the public’s behalf. These include: commissioners of services, Parliament, ministers, government departments and regulators.
Real accountability requires a relationship and a dialogue. The Public Services Productivity Panel20 said that accountability involves an agreed process for both giving an account of your actions and being held to account; a systematic approach to put that process into operation; and a focus on explicit results or outcomes. Real accountability is concerned not only with reporting on or discussing actions already completed, but also with engaging with stakeholders to understand and respond to their views as the organization plans and carries out its activities.
The range and strength of different accountability relationships varies for different types of governing bodies. For any governing body, some relationships will be, or will feel, more formal and possibly more important than others. For example, the board of a non-departmental public body is likely to have a closer and more direct relationship with a minister than a school would have. However, the large majority of governing bodies need to be particularly active in developing and maintaining a dialogue with the public.
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Governing bodies of public services have multiple accountabilities: to the public (citizens) and to those who have the authority, and responsibility, to hold them to account on the public’s behalf. These include: commissioners of services, Parliament, ministers, government departments and regulators.
Real accountability requires a relationship and a dialogue. The Public Services Productivity Panel20 said that accountability involves an agreed process for both giving an account of your actions and being held to account; a systematic approach to put that process into operation; and a focus on explicit results or outcomes. Real accountability is concerned not only with reporting on or discussing actions already completed, but also with engaging with stakeholders to understand and respond to their views as the organization plans and carries out its activities.
The range and strength of different accountability relationships varies for different types of governing bodies. For any governing body, some relationships will be, or will feel, more formal and possibly more important than others. For example, the board of a non-departmental public body is likely to have a closer and more direct relationship with a minister than a school would have. However, the large majority of governing bodies need to be particularly active in developing and maintaining a dialogue with the public.
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Gujarat Quiz 2280 MCQ PDF publish by Government of Gujarat. Total 2280 MCQ
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