ONGC Mehsana Recruitment 2017 – Apply For 450 Apprentice Posts
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) Mehsana, has issued a notice to invites applications against 450 Vacancies of Apprentice Posts.Candidates with the required eligibility criteria are invited hereby for filling and submitting the application formbefore the closing date 3rd November 2017More details related to the ONGC Recruitment 2017 such as education required, age limits, selection process, how to apply are given below….ONGC Recruitment 2017 DetailsName Of the Organization: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation LtdPost Name : ApprenticeNumber of Posts: 450Post and Vacancies Details:Accountant: 09 PostsCabin/Room Attendant: 04 PostsComputer Operator and Programming Assistant: 03 PostsData Entry Operator: 14 PostsElectrician: 98 PostsElectronics Mechanic: 02 PostsFitter: 116 PostsInformation Technology and Electronics System Maintenance: 12 PostsInstrument Mechanic: 16 PostsLaboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant): 07 PostsMachinist/Turner: 09 PostsMechanic (Motor vehicle): 12 PostsMechanic Diesel: 65 PostsSecretarial Assistant: 45 PostsStore Keeper: 04 PostsSurveyor: 02 PostsWelder (Gas & Electric): 32 PostsEssential Qualification Required:Job applicants, who are applying for above said posts must have completed 10 Pass, 12Pass, ITI, Graduate from a recognized Board / University / Institute.Age Limitations:The age of Appliers should not be below 18 years and should not be above 24 years as on 01/11/2017.Relaxation in age will be decided as per norms & orders issued by government.Selection Procedure :Shortlisting of candidates will be done basedon the percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination as applicable to the respective trade.Candidates will be offered the apprenticeshipin order of merit.Medical Certificate of fitness for Apprenticeship Training in ONGC, in original, shall be required to be submitted at the time of joining the Apprenticeship Training from a Registered Medical Officer/ Practitioner giving complete name, address and registration number of the medical authority.How to Apply:The candidate may apply for apprenticeship in the trade of their choice as per theireligibility, in Form A appended as Annexure and send it to the following address, super-scribing “Apprentice Application” on the upper right corner of the envelope.Postal Address to Send Application:I/C HR-ER, ONGC Mehsana Asset, KDM Bhavan, Palavasana, Mehsana-384003Significant Date:Start date for submission application: 16-10-2017Last date for submission application: 03-11-2017
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ONGC Mehsana Recruitment 2017 – Apply For 450 Apprentice Posts
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